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How to export files from SDL Studio


The previous post was about creating a project in SDL Studio to work with several files. After the translation is done, it will have to be exported from the Studio and delivered to the Client in the original format.

Depending on what your client requires, you can export the ready file in the original format or in the bilingual SDL Studio format with sdlxliff extension.

Method 1: export the original file

If the client needs the file with the original format, open your project by pressing the respective button in the bottom left corner of the program.

how to export files from SDL1

1) Select the file

Open the file to be saved. For this purpose press Files in the bottom left corner and open the file.

Select files

2) Open the file

Go to the File menu in the top left corner of the screen.

Save as target files in SDL Studio

3) Save target as…

Select Save Target As. Please note the hot keys given there (Shift + F12). You may want to remember them to make all the way shorter. After that, select and remember the location of the target file.

Save as target file in SDL Studio

Method 2: Export bilingual sdlxliff file

This method is a bit longer but a little more secure. Select our file to be delivered in the Files menu. Right click on it and select Batch Tasks and then Finalize.

When doing this your translation is recorded to the main memory (that you had previously chose when setting the project) and the file is saved in the original format.

Exporting the original in SDL Studio

4) TM update

In the next window, Studio proposes to select the options for storing the segments with slightly different content in the TM. They can be merged with those already available in the TM, add them as new (as a result, you can have several identical segments that differ only to slight extent: it can be a full stop or a space), you can overwrite the segments in the TM, leave them without change or store only the latest translation. I usually do not touch anything. Press Finish.

Saving to TM options

5) File extension

As we can see our file loses extension sdlxliff and it is shown in the original format.

File extension

6) File export

Right click on it and select Batch tasks again. As we can see, the menu is not as extensive as before and only Export files is available.

Batch Export

7) Next

Nothing to do here so just click Next.

8) Select files for export

In the next window, we need to choose the folder to where our file will be exported. You can use this drop-down menu to export either a target file in the original format or a bilingual sdlxliff file.

Press Finish and look for the file where you have saved it.

Original format or bilingual

Please let me know if the post was helpful to you.

2 Responses to How to export files from SDL Studio

  1. Анна says:

    Спасибо за статью! для меня оказалась очень полезной информацией. а если перевод не закончен и нужно экспортировать sdlxliff, по такой же схеме через Finalize действовать?

  2. a.korobeynikov says:

    Здравствуйте, Анна! Спасибо за комментарий. Если перевод не закончен и его нужно выгрузить, то его можно просто экспортировать. Для этого в Способ II, п.1 выберите не Finalize, а Export Files. А далее действуйте, как описано в способе II, пункт 5 и далее. Если вы сделаете Finalize, то у вас при этом обновится Ваша основная память и сгенерируется конечный файл.